Terms, Conditions & Policies

Browse this page to view documents relating to Ballet Boost terms, conditions and policies. If you require any further information, please contact us directly via admin@balletboost.com.

View Terms & Conditions

General Terms & Conditions for Courses & Workshops

1. Fees

  • 1.1  Once the online course application form has been completed you will be sent an invoice via email. Once paid, your name will be added to the list of attendees and further information will be provided approximately 2-3 weeks prior to the course or workshop. If you do not make your payment, your place will not be guaranteed.
  • 1.2  If you decide you do not wish to attend, or need to cancel, notice must be provided in writing at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the course otherwise the full fees will be due.
  • 1.3  If there are any problems making payment you must contact us immediately.
  • 1.4  Refunds are only given in exceptional circumstances and at the management’s discretion.

2. Conduct and uniform

  • 2.1  Students are expected to wear suitable and smart uniform / clothing to all classes.
  • 2.2  Students are expected to conduct themselves in a polite and professional manner at all times.
  • 2.3  If a student’s behaviour or attitude is deemed inappropriate in any way this willresult in a verbal and / or written warning. If behavior continues, possible expulsion from the course or programme can be expected.
  • 2.4  The above statements are in accordance with our Code of Conduct Students policy (all policies can be found online).

3. Classes

  • 3.1  We will level a child according to their ability, to ensure they receive the most appropriate training. We reserve the right to change this level if deemed necessary, and will communicate the reasons for this.
  • 3.2  We reserve the right to cancel classes for reasons beyond our control (such as weather, local or national incident, location problems) and refunds will not be provided. If a class is cancelled or shortened for any other reason, a whole or part refund will be offered at the discretion of the principal.
  • 3.3  Please view our policies regarding Child Protection and Safeguarding, Code of Conduct for Teachers and Health and Safety Statements and ensure you are in agreement with the contents. Our teachers will all have been sent a copy of the relevant policies.

4. Data Protection

  • 4.1 Any relevant medical information must be disclosed before attending in writing. This will be deleted immediately after the course has ended.
  • 4.2 Please view our Data Protection policy and check you are in agreement with the contents. Ballet Boost agrees to adhere to this document.

5. Photography Policy

  • 5.1 Photography and recording in classes is prohibited, unless authorised by the principal.
  • 5.2 Any photography taken professionally during classes can be used for marketing purposes – this includes website and social media. By ticking the relevant box when signing up to the course online initially, you have agreed to the aforementioned statement. If do NOT wish for images to be used or change your mind after signing the form, this should be indicated to us in writing at least two weeks prior to the course.
Ballet Boost Associates Terms & Conditions

1. Fees

  • 1.1 All fees are to be paid by the date stated on your invoice to secure your child’s place. Failure to dothis may result in your child losing their place. If there are any problems making payment you must contact us immediately.
  • 1.2  Refunds are only given in exceptional circumstances and at the management’s discretion.
  • 1.3  We require a full-term notice period, or terms payment in lieu of notice, if a decision is taken to leave Ballet Boost Associates. A ‘term’ refers to the BBA programme term dates and holidayperiods are NOT counted within this notice period. If this is not provided then the full fees are payableand any concessions will be at the management’s discretion.

2. Conduct and Uniform

  • 2.1 Students are expected to wear the correct uniform to all classes as stated in the Welcome Pack.
  • 2.2 Students are expected to conduct themselves in a polite and professional manner at all times and in accordance with the Code of Conduct Students policy.
  • 2.3 If a student’s behaviour or attitude is deemed inappropriate in any way this will result in a warning with possible expulsion from the Associate programme as outlined in the Code of Conduct Students policy.

3. Classes

  • 3.1 We will place a child into a level according to their ability, to ensure they receive the most appropriate training. We reserve the right to change this level if deemed necessary and will communicate the reasons for this.
  • 3.2 Please be reminded that as this is a vocational programme, a place is not automatically secured each year. Assessments take place in the summer term and children will be levelled accordingly. In some cases children may need to repeat a year at the same level or it may be that they do not attain a level suitable to stay within the programme.
  • 3.3 If a class will be missed due to prior commitments; BBA should be informed. A refund or reduction in fees will not be offered.
  • 3.4 If more than 50% of classes are missed each term without prior consent, your child may be asked to forfeit their place with Ballet Boost Associates.
  • 3.5 We reserve the right to cancel classes for reasons beyond our control (such as weather, local or national incident, location problems) and refunds will not usually be provided. If a class is cancelled or shortened for any other reason, we may try to re-schedule the class, or a whole or part refund will be offered at the discretion of the principal.
  • 3.6 The last day of term is open for parents to sit and watch. If you wish to observe at any other time; please contact Ballet Boost Associates directly with your reasons and the decision will be at the management’s discretion.

4. Miscellaneous

  • 4.1 Any relevant medical information must be disclosed before attending the first class on the enrolment form, or in writing.
  • 4.2 Photography and recording in classes is prohibited, unless authorised by the principal.
  • 4.3 Any photography taken professionally during classes can be used for BBA marketing purposes. This includes website and social media. By ticking the relevant box on the enrolment form you indicate that you are in agreement with this. If you do not wish for images to be used, this should be indicated to the principal in writing also.
  • 4.4 Agreement to these terms and conditions also means you have read and are familiar with our school policies including but not limited to: Data Protection, Health and Safety, Child Protection Policy and Guidance, Child Protection Policy, Safe Touch Policy, Health and Safety Statements, Code of Conduct Parents, Code of Conduct Students and Code of Conduct Staff.
The Performance Platform Terms & Conditions

Applications MUST be submiIed by the deadline (paper application by 30th January and filmed submission by 18th February)

    • Refunds will generally not be available after submission of entry. If illness or injury occurs prior to filming, and payment has already been made, please email us for further advice.
    • No additional feedback or advice will be provided after the initial report. However, requests for further feedback can be made in writing via email and will be considered on an individual basis.
    • No responsibility will be taken by Ballet Boost or associated representatives for any injury occurring by creating the video, rehearsing for the performance, or performing in the finals.
    • Selected judges who are industry professionals will be able view the videos. All judges will be fully DBS checked, but will not necessarily be employees of Ballet Boost.
    • For GDPR reasons, no video will be stored by Ballet Boost or associated representatives after initial judging has taken place.
    • Awards are only made where appropriate and may not necessarily be presented in a certain category if no dancer fits the criteria. Alternatively, judges reserve the right to expand award opportunities in a particular age group.
    • The judges’ decision is final
    • Final performances will be COVID and venue permitting, therefore dates, locations and times may all be subject to last minute change or alteration.