A community of dancers...for the dancers
NEW OPEN CLASSES at The Rpyal Ballet School for professional level dancers every Tuesday evening 6.30pm for only £10
Live, superb music from Chris Hobson
Teaching from Emma Northmore
Why chose this class?
Are you struggling in between jobs to keep your technique where it needs ot be to secure the next job?
Do you need help sorting audition material or feel a bit lost as to where to turn next?
Do you miss space to truly move and a studio full of dancers of a professional level?
Do you need to work but also need a pro class that fits your schedule?
Well you have found your solution!
A new community of support & training for post vocational dancers, freelancers and professionals. Sharing connections, networking & experience to help them find a pathway to their dream job & keeping them dancing & learning at the same time.
We will provide graduates, freelancers & professionals in between jobs support & technically challenging classes to maintain the standard required to obtain professional work. With zero commitment, no contract to sign...just dance !